quebec referendum artinya
- quebec: québec; quebec; quebec city; kota quebec
- referendum: referendum; pungutan suara; pemungutan suara;
- 1995 quebec referendum: referendum quebec 1995
- at referendum: untuk dipertimbangkan se lanjutnya
- referendum: referendum; pungutan suara; pemungutan suara; jajak pendapat
- airports in quebec: bandar udara di quebec
- farnham, quebec: farnham, québec
- flora of quebec: flora quebec
- government of quebec: kerajaan quebec
- history of quebec: sejarah quebec
- old quebec: quebec lama
- quebec agreement: perjanjian quebec
- quebec bridge: jambatan quebec
- quebec city: kota quebec; bandar raya quebec; quebec; quebec city
- quebec french: bahasa prancis quebec
- He was active on constitutional issues during his first parliament, and played a prominent role in drafting the Reform Party's strategy for the 1995 Quebec referendum.
Ia aktif dalam masalah-masalah konstitusional dan memainkan pernan penting dalam menyusun strategi partainya untuk referendum Quebec 1995.